Languages facts and more

Languages facts and more

Language facts,learning languages information. Facts about learning foreign language and other interesting things related to languages.
The site is a blog with different articles written by me on the subject of language acquisition, especially English as a second or foreign language. The topics vary from basic grammar explanations to advice on how to study effectively for

The Armenian Language: A Journey Through Time and Resilience

The Armenian Language: A Journey Through Time and Resilience

The Armenian language is a testament to ...

The Rich History of the Portuguese Language

The Rich History of the Portuguese Language

The Portuguese language has a fascinatin...

Exploring Spanish Language, Grammar, and Literature

Exploring Spanish Language, Grammar, and Literature

The Spanish language, grammar, and liter...

Exploring the History and Significance of the Italian Language

Exploring the History and Significance of the Italian Language

Italian is a beautiful language with a r...

The Rich History and Unique Grammar of the Albanian Language

The Rich History and Unique Grammar of the Albanian Language

The Albanian language is an essential pa...

Exploring the Linguistic Landscape of Moldova: Languages Spoken in the Country

Exploring the Linguistic Landscape of Moldova: Languages Spoken in the Country

Moldova has a diverse linguistic landsca...

Some interesting facts about the Portuguese language

Some interesting facts about the Portuguese language

Portuguese is a fascinating language wit...

North Korean Language Overview

North Korean Language Overview

The Korean language is spoken by over 75...

LocalHR - Recruiting platform for Language Service Providers

LocalHR - Recruiting platform for Language Service Providers

The language services industry is rapidl...

Azerbaijani Language Overview

Azerbaijani Language Overview

Azerbaijani is a Turkic language spoken ...

Tourist Place Transfer Overview

Tourist Place Transfer Overview

transfers in tourist places are importan...

Learning Turkish Easily

Learning Turkish Easily

Turkish can be a fun and fulfilling expe...

Learn Ukrainian Language

Learn Ukrainian Language

Learning Ukrainian can be a rewarding an...

Teaching German To Kids

Teaching German To Kids

German is one of the most widely spoken ...